It is a highly anticipated conference and fundraiser of the OpenStreetMap Nigeria through the Unique Mappers Network-the OpenStreetMap Local Community NGO in Nigeria dedicated to the growth, expansion and community engagement of OpenStreetMap project in Nigeria.
We are thrilled to host the 3rd annual State of the Map Nigeria conference this year in Ile–Ife, Osun State, Nigeria after our successful 2nd edition in Abuja, 2023.
We welcome you to the great city of Ile-Ife.
Our sponsorship packages help you reach diverse audiences, increase brand awareness and social media coverage and demonstrate your commitment to open data, female gender empowerment and community building.
We look forward to working with prospective sponsors at this 3rd edition of SOTM in Nigeria. We will be excited to have you collaborate with Unique Mappers Network to support this 3rd SOTM Nigeria and also receive important brand exposure.
State of the Map Nigeria unites people around OpenStreetMap, an open-sourced geospatial data pool having the most detailed map of the Nigeria, Africa and beyond.
Our Conference draws people representing an incredibly broad range of interests. From the individual hobbyist to major stakeholders contributing to OpenStreetMap, State of the Map Nigeria is envisioned to be the most significant gathering on mapping innovation and promise.
This year SotMNigeria Conference will be live in Ile-Ife 9th to 11th October 2024 at Njeupome Conference Auditorium, AFRIGIST Obafemi Awolowo University Campus, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. It will bring together hundreds of OpenStreetMap enthusiasts, GIS experts & industry players from academia, private companies, humanitarian organizations, government agencies and Geospatial technology sector to learn new map technology and share ideas.
NT; Sponsors can use current exchange rate in Naira for Local sponsors
Platinum sponsors will help us plan a memorable conference and support the future growth of OpenStreetMap Nigeria through Unique Mappers Network.
Sponsors will be recognized throughout 2023 on our website, social media, programs and more!
- Double-sized exhibit table prominently positioned
- Logo on strategic location at the event
- Twelve (12) complimentary conference registration
- Double-page in the conference program
- Verbal acknowledgment during an opening address by Unique Mappers Team leadership
- Recognition in pre-conference email marketing and dedicated email announcing sponsorship
- Logo and link to your URL on SOTM Nigeria website
- Six (6) social media mentions from State of the Map Nigeria on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
- Attendance at a sponsored event with OpenStreetMap stakeholders
Are you interested? Please Click here to proceed
- Single-sized exhibit table centrally positioned.
- Full page in the conference program.
- Verbal acknowledgement during the opening address by Unique Mappers Team leadership.
- Recognition in pre-conference email marketing and dedicated email announcing sponsorship.
- Logo and link to your URL on SOTM Nigeria website.
- Three (3) social media mentions from State of the Map Nigeria on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
- Attendance at a sponsored event with OpenStreetMap stakeholders.
- Six (6) complimentary conference registrations.
Are you interested? Please Click here to proceed
- Exhibit space at the event hall.
- Verbal acknowledgement during opening address by Unique Mappers Team leadership.
- Recognition in pre-conference email marketing and dedicated email announcing sponsorship.
- Logo and link to your URL on SOTM Nigeria website.
- Two (2) social media mentions from State of the Map Nigeria on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
- Attendance at a sponsor event with OpenStreetMap stakeholders.
- Half page in conference program.
- Four (4) complimentary conference registrations.
Are you interested? Please Click here to proceed
- Two (2) complimentary conference registrations.
- Verbal acknowledgement during opening address by Unique Mappers Team leadership.
- Logo and link to your URL on SOTM Nigeria website.
- One (1) social media mentions from State of the Map Nigeria on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
- Attendance at a sponsor event with OpenStreetMap stakeholders.
- Quarter page in conference program.
Are you interested? Please Click here to proceed
- Company branded event
- One (1) complimentary conference registration.
- Mention in the conference programme
- Sponsor name on SOTM Nigeria website
Are you interested? Please Click here to proceed
❖ Mention in conference program
❖ Listed on SOTM Nigeria website
❖ Sponsor of Individual Needing Support
Are you interested? Please Click here to proceed
❖ One (1) complimentary conference
❖ Mention in the conference program
❖ Sponsor name on SOTM Nigeria website
Are you interested? Please Click here to proceed

Past Sponsors & Technical Partners
Thank you for your sponsorship, which made the Inaugural State of the Map Nigeria 2023 a reality. We hope you’ll join us in Ile-Ife for SotM Nigeria 2024! We welcome all prospective sponsors on board! Your support makes this amazing conference a reality. Don’t see what you want? Contact us at We want to work with you to design a sponsorship package that fulfills your business needs.